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Are New Homes Better Insulated?

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Are New Homes Better Insulated? Blog Feature
Eric Garcia

By: Eric Garcia on June 19th, 2024

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When you think of a brand-new home, you likely imagine a sleek, modern, and energy-efficient living space.

But the question remains – are new homes better insulated?

The answer is more nuanced than a simple yes or no. Let’s unpack this topic and explore what really makes a home well-insulated.

The Basics - Old Homes vs. New Homes

First off, if you’re comparing a modern home built today to one constructed a century ago, it’s almost certain the new home will be better insulated.

Building codes, materials, and technologies have significantly evolved, prioritizing energy efficiency in ways that were unimaginable 100 years ago.

However, insulation quality can vary even in new homes. It largely depends on the decisions made by the property owner and the builder.

The Role of the Builder and Property Owner

Insulation is usually the first thing that hits the cutting room floor when a home is built.

Whether it’s about the cost or choosing to upgrade other areas, here’s what you need to know about how those decisions affect the home’s insulation.

Budget-Conscious Builds

Many communities across the country consist of homes built by the same builder in subdivisions or neighborhoods.

These homes, often constructed with budget constraints in mind, aim to be cost-effective and quick to build. In these scenarios, insulation quality might take a back seat.

When builders need to cut costs, insulation is one of the first areas in which they might consider reducing expenses. This is because insulation materials vary widely in price. You can opt for high-end foam insulation, which is more expensive, or choose from several cheaper alternatives.

Prioritizing Aesthetics Over Insulation

Another scenario is when a property owner and a builder design a home together.

With a fixed budget, the property owner might prioritize luxurious amenities like granite countertops or a spacious walk-in shower over high-quality insulation. Such decisions are common and can result in a modern house that is less energy-efficient.

Technological Advancements in Insulation

Despite these budget considerations, today's technology and materials mean you can build an extremely energy-efficient house.

Foam insulation, in particular, has seen significant advancements. Manufacturers continually refine their formulas to enhance efficiency.

So, when you ask, can you make a modern house very hyper-efficient? The answer is a resounding yes. Today’s building materials are light years ahead of what was available even 20 years ago.

The Importance of Inspections and Communication

To truly understand how well a home is insulated, you need to dig a bit deeper.

Here are a few steps to take.

  • Talk to the Builder: Get details on the materials used and the standards they follow.
  • Consult the Property Owner: They can provide insights into any upgrades or compromises made during construction.
  • Get a Thorough Inspection: A detailed inspection can reveal the true state of the home’s insulation before finalizing a purchase.

What if Your New Home Isn't Well-Insulated?

If you find yourself in a home that isn’t as insulated as you thought, don’t worry.

Our RetroFoam dealers nationwide specialize in insulating existing homes, especially those tricky exterior walls. Improving your home’s insulation can drastically increase comfort and energy efficiency.

Steps to Improve Insulation

  • Identify Problem Areas: Conduct an energy audit to find where insulation is lacking.
  • Choose the Right Insulation: Consider foam insulation for its superior performance.
  • Hire a Professional: Contact your local RetroFoam dealer for expert advice and installation.

Are New Homes Better Insulated?

So, are new homes better insulated?

Generally, yes. Modern homes, equipped with today’s technology and materials, have the potential to be highly energy-efficient.

However, the level of insulation in a new home ultimately depends on the choices made by the builder and property owner. Always ensure thorough inspections and clear communication to guarantee your home meets your insulation standards.

If you’re ready to boost your home’s comfort and efficiency, check out the Dealer Finder on our website to find a RetroFoam dealer near you.

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About Eric Garcia

Eric brings his knowledge and training in building science, training in spray and injection foams from the manufacturers, more than eight years installing foam insulation, as well as selling and managing in the foam insulation industry. He is also BPI and Dale Carnegie certified and has taken several building science courses, including air sealing and building envelope. Eric is the Professor of Foam on our educational YouTube series Foam University. Even when Eric is off he is usually still “working” or thinking about work, but when he can get away he enjoys camping, hiking, hunting, and woodworking.