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Why is My Room So Hot? How to Keep the House Cool in the Summer

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Why is My Room So Hot? How to Keep the House Cool in the Summer

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Why is My Room So Hot? How to Keep the House Cool in the Summer Blog Feature
Amanda Emery

By: Amanda Emery on July 6th, 2022

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You run inside to escape the heat, but unfortunately, the room you ran to is just as hot as outside.

No matter what you do, this particular space is always hot in the summer, and you’re not sure how to cool down the room.

Whether you’re dealing with one room or an entire hot house, taking back control of your home’s comfort is crucial. RetroFoam dealers across the country work with homeowners on making their homes more comfortable and energy-efficient.

Let’s look at why some rooms in your home are so hot, what is causing the problem, and how to fix it.

Why is My Room So Hot?

These scenarios could be the culprit if you’re experiencing a hot room or your entire home is sweltering.

Are There Windows in the Room?

You might think of the great view you have in the rooms of your home, but those windows could be why it’s so hot.

If these windows in your home aren’t energy-efficient, they allow heat to radiate inside.

The best option is to swap the drafty windows for ones that won’t allow any air leakage. Another trick that can help if you’re not ready for a window upgrade is to close the blinds or curtains to keep the sun and heat out.

The Room May Not Have Ductwork Running to It

Is the room that is always hotter than the rest of the house an addition?

If it is, there is the possibility that the room doesn’t have any ductwork running to it. Since the HVAC wasn’t extended to the addition, that room will always be a different temperature than the rest of the house.

The Room Doesn't Have Adequate Insulation

Staying in the same vein with the uncomfortable room being an addition, if it was built after the rest of the house, there is the possibility that it doesn’t have enough insulation.

When the addition was built, this room likely wasn’t insulated like the rest of the house, allowing for air movement. This air movement means all the hot outdoor air is seeping into this room, making it significantly hotter than the rest of the house.

How to Make Your Room Cooler

So, now you’re wondering how to keep your house cool in the summer?

We’ve got you covered.

Close the Blinds in the Hot Rooms

Did you know that up to 30 percent of the heat from outside gets into your home through your windows?

Closing your curtains or blinds in your hot room can reduce the temperature by up to 20 degrees, according to the Huffington Post. Reducing the temperature in the room can also give your air conditioner a break, which will end up saving you money.

Close Off the Rooms You Aren't Using

If you notice your entire home is warmer than you would like when you come home from work, closing off rooms that aren’t in use can help.

Closing off rooms and the vents inside them during the hottest part of the day can work to cool down the rest of your home. Closing off the vents to these rooms will redirect the cold air to the more frequently used areas of the house.

Put a Bowl of Ice in Front of Your Fan

If you don’t have air conditioning in your home, there are a few other ways to keep cool during the dog days of summer.

Putting a bowl of ice or ice packs in front of a fan can actually keep you cool. As the air from the fan blows over the ice, you’ll feel a blast of extra-chilled air.

Change the Sheets on Your Bed

Flannel sheets are great during the colder months but not so much during the summer.

Flannel is meant to keep you warm, so it’s a good idea to switch to a material that will keep you cool in the summer. Cotton sheets actually breathe easier and stay cooler longer.

Change the Direction of Your Ceiling Fans

Did you know that you should change your ceiling fan's rotation in the summer and winter?

Setting your fan to rotate counter-clockwise in the summer at a high speed will push down cooler air, which helps circulate that cooler air throughout your hot room.

Vent the Hot Air Out of Your House

The vents in your home can help to cool it down. 

Using your home's bathroom, laundry room, and stove vents will get the hot, humid air outside. The fans will pull that air out of the house, making it more comfortable.

Avoid Cooking Indoors

It’s time to put your grill to good use and avoid cooking indoors.

If you think your home is already too warm, turning on your oven isn’t going to help. Opting to use your outdoor grill can help you avoid making your house even hotter.

Make Long-Term Improvements to Your Home

There are a lot of tips and tricks available to cool your house down, but there are likely some things that will need to be updated.

Upgrading the doors and windows in your home can help control the indoor temperature. If you have air leaks around the windows and doors, it is very difficult to keep your house comfortable. 

If replacing the doors and windows isn’t in your budget, using weather stripping around them can make a difference.

How RetroFoam Can Help Keep Your Home Cool in the Summer

Adding RetroFoam insulation to your existing walls is another way to keep your home cool in the summer.

RetroFoam injection foam insulation creates an air barrier that keeps all that hot summer air outside while your cool air stays inside. RetroFoam can also help you maintain a constant temperature in your home, giving your AC unit a break.

If you want to learn more about RetroFoam insulation and its many benefits, check out the Learning Center on our website.

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About Amanda Emery

Amanda previously has worked as a breaking news and crime reporter, TV news producer, and editor. As a journalist, she has won several awards from The Society of Professional Journalists - Detroit Chapter and the Michigan Press Association. Amanda uses her experience as a journalist to write content that will help educate homeowners on foam insulation benefits. When Amanda isn’t writing, she’s spending time with her husband Chris, daughter Lilith-Maeve, and rescued huskies Danger and Wendigo. She also loves knitting, making art, and cooking.