The Best Insulation for Existing Homes
The cores of the concrete block walls in your home or commercial building are allowing airflow into your structure.
Those cores have nothing inside them, so nothing stops that air from getting in or heat from getting out.
Injection foam insulation creates an air seal that will stop air movement. Stopping that air leakage can make a huge difference in the comfort of your home or building, as well as the energy efficiency.
Ryan W.
The installation process for concrete block walls involves drilling holes into the middle of the wall to access the cores.
The bricks' cores are lined up, so once the holes are drilled, injecting the foam fills those, as well as any other nooks and crannies.
Once the cores and openings are filled, the holes are filled with mortar.
Yes, interior walls can be insulated with RetroFoam.
Some people decide to insulate their interior walls to reduce noise from room to room.
The amount you save on your heating and cooling costs can vary depending on the age of your home or commercial building and its construction.
Your lifestyle can also play a role, depending on how you set your thermostat and electrical usage.
You definitely can, but there’s a catch.
It’s always important to approach your home or commercial building as an entire system. If you only insulate one wall, you probably won’t see the results you’re hoping for. Learn more.
Yes, RetroFoam can help make a home or commercial building a little quieter, but that’s not what it’s designed to do.
If you’re looking to make your structure quieter or completely soundproof a room, you might want to look at options specifically made for that. Learn more.